Welcome to my blog. I am just another regular mom, trying to get through each and every day with my four kids, all of whom happen to be twins. Yes, I live in Massachusetts, so this is not out of the ordinary, and no, I am not looking for a reality show. I like to tell my stories about parenting with sarcasm and a sense of humor. I love my children and at times they move me to tears, some of joy, some of sadness, some of utter and total frustration! Enjoy the ride!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

So, with a show of hands, how many parents out there really could do without the "must do crafts" part of your job description? C'mon....I KNOW I am not the only one, I promise this is anonymous...ok, I see a few hands, but I know some of you are closet craft haters. I, for one, am officially out of the closet.

Well, Valentine's Day with four kids meant that on the one hand, I received some cute crafts (but I must add, the cuteness factor goes up several notches because I DID NOT HAVE TO BE INVOLVED in any of the gluing, cutting, pasting, coloring, painting, sticking, and so on). On the other hand, it also meant helping all of them prepare their Valentine's cards for school. First of all, who was the brainiac behind the tiny Valentine cards when kids who are just learning to write tend to write unusually large letters and cry when they cannot fit their whole name on the card. Next up is stickers, because that same brainiac felt the need to add a second step to the process. And let us not forget the ones where you are to insert a lollipop or a pencil through a precariously small little hole, one that no child can feed the lolly or pencil into....EVER.

Now, I do not want to come off as a party pooper or a Valentine's Day hater, but I will say that I prefer the innocent kiss, the I love you scribbled on a scrap piece of paper, or any other gesture expressing love that does not involve the preparation and craftiness involved in the classroom Valentine card.

With Love

1 comment:

  1. i am not a crafty mom either.... and i am ok with that!!! happy v-day!
