Welcome to my blog. I am just another regular mom, trying to get through each and every day with my four kids, all of whom happen to be twins. Yes, I live in Massachusetts, so this is not out of the ordinary, and no, I am not looking for a reality show. I like to tell my stories about parenting with sarcasm and a sense of humor. I love my children and at times they move me to tears, some of joy, some of sadness, some of utter and total frustration! Enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Birthday Parties

So, with four kids, it seems that we will be attending many a birthday party over the next few years. And it seems, that this year, we have hit the January jackpot. Over the course of the last month, we have attended eight borthday parties.
So, last Sunday we attended a party at a local paint your own pottery type of venue. The birthday girl's parents were kind enough to extend the invitation to our younger two since their younger daughter is in class with them. So, off we all went, as a family, to attend an hour and a half of controlled mayhem.
First, let me just say that the party was well done, the parents are so kind and generous and nothing about this post is about them. It is about me and my lack of tolerance for that level of mayhem.
The venue: small. The number of parties going on at once: two (Plus general public allowed in any time as well in the front area of the room). The number of children being instructed, painting, etc: at least 35 between the two parties. The number of times the kids were instructed to say Happy Birthday to the birthday girl "as loud as they could": twice. Wow, once was enough.
In any event, the kids all came away with a fun painted item that they did themselves and all had smiles on their faces...at least til we loaded them back up into the car and the fighting over balloon color ensued.
Just another relaxing Sunday afternoon.


  1. Thanks for sharing this with us...as many mom's can relate..we look forward to reading your posts.Amy

  2. Fighting over balloon color is one of those small things that waitresses really should have a class on. Ask the parent first before you bring two different color balloons to the table, PLEASE!!!! My new rule is that once one pops the other one gets popped....mean but effective.

  3. Oh Bill, I let those suckers fly to the heavens many times....ooops....
