Welcome to my blog. I am just another regular mom, trying to get through each and every day with my four kids, all of whom happen to be twins. Yes, I live in Massachusetts, so this is not out of the ordinary, and no, I am not looking for a reality show. I like to tell my stories about parenting with sarcasm and a sense of humor. I love my children and at times they move me to tears, some of joy, some of sadness, some of utter and total frustration! Enjoy the ride!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Two, Four, Six, Eight...

who do we appreciate??...blah blah blah. No. This is not part of a sweaty gym cheer routine. Instead, this is an all out rant on my ever growing self. I am a growing girl indeed.

Today I decided to tackle my bedroom closet since it has been bursting at the seams with clothes, junk, shoes, kids' miscellaneous projects and papers, and a whole lot of other crap. Let me start by telling you that I got rid of four bags of stuff in this cleanout and I feel quite accomplished with that. However, what I did not like was the array of sizes in my closet and the fact that the size that now fits me is the biggest size in my closet. I just seem to be expanding. Now, I am all about being a real woman...I truly despise the bony shoulders and the sunken rib cage. That repulses me. On the flip side, I also despise the muffin top and the flappy arms. Why has it suddenly become so hard to maintain a steady weight?

When I was 17, a size 2 was no problem. I had no hips, tiny boobs, a flat stomach, and rockin legs if I may say so myself because I walked or ran five miles every day. When I was in college, I put on the freshman 15 with all the beer guzzling I did, but I still managed to stay a size 4 and was quite content with that. Then I graduated into the real world, kept drinking a lot of beer and now had money to buy pizzas and wings, so I went up to a six. Fine, no problem. I will be a six forever. Then I got married and settled into a couch potato routine with my better half. Love is great, but I hate eight....and an eight I then was. And then, cue the drum roll, I decided to have kids, and decided to have them two at a time no less, and well, with that, and with now 6 years of parenting and grilled cheeses and chicken nuggets and mac and cheese and little motivation to get off my ass when I actually do have free time, I am now embracing the double digit size ten.

I am attempting to start climbing back down the ladder, but as I now know, it gets harder to take off as the years keep adding up. I never believed that when I was 17. Wish I had listened!

So, for now, I am learning to embrace the ten....until I have to get into a bathing suit and then you will hear me screaming profanities all while trying to remain calm and zenlike. Then in my anger, I will go get a coke and fries....damn dirve thrus, they are not helping my cause.

Love yourself and all that it has to offer!

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