Welcome to my blog. I am just another regular mom, trying to get through each and every day with my four kids, all of whom happen to be twins. Yes, I live in Massachusetts, so this is not out of the ordinary, and no, I am not looking for a reality show. I like to tell my stories about parenting with sarcasm and a sense of humor. I love my children and at times they move me to tears, some of joy, some of sadness, some of utter and total frustration! Enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tuesday, Jan 26, 2009

Ah, ever have one of those days where you just feel like you are running in circles and you cannot get out of your own way....all that, plus 4 kids running all around and between your legs, and one can start to feel frazzled quickly. That was me today. Meghan woke up whining and would not let up all day. She had to be on me or near me, which is par for the course with her, but I swear I tripped over her at least a dozen times. John was not much better with his constant requests for snacks starting about one minute after he finished his cereal. I am thankful for the American school system that required my two big girls to be at school all day. But when they came in the door, LOOK OUT. Snack requests, whining about what I did or did not pack for lunch, stories about the day, questions about what WE did while they were at school (note to self--the answer to this question should always be: "we did NOTHING, and that nothing was far from fun if you must know"). God forbid we venture out to CVS to pick up a prescription--we are not allowed to do that without the older two! Ha, if they only knew the "fun" things we do all day---let's see--sweeping the kitchen, endless laundry, bathing the two little ones, lunch, snacks, breaking up fights, and oh yea, a trip to the library. Shhhh, that part is a secret. No fun allowed unless it includes all four kiddos.
As I put them all to bed tonight, I reminded them in a loving, but frazzled mom kind of way that I love them but that unless there was blood or vomit, I did not want to return upstairs until it was MY bedtime. Sweet dreams everyone!